Optimal sub-sequence matching for the automatic prediction of surgical tasks

This is the companion web page for our paper titled "Optimal sub-sequence matching for the automatic prediction of surgical tasks".

This paper has been accepted for publication to AIME 2015 Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine.

If you have any comments/questions regarding the research work or software, please feel free to contact us.

The software

The software is developed in Java.

The package is licensed under a GPLv3 (license in the Jar files) : Donwload source-code-aime-2015.jar

The package contains examples illustrating how to use the library in the class Prediciton.java

Prediction Demo

This demo visually illustrates how the prediction system works.

Sequences of symbols (each symbol is considered as an individual state) can be entered in the first textbox, one sequence per line.

The first line is the partial sequence, the following are the full available sequences.

Then push the "Run Prediction" button to see the results of the application of the algorithm.

Last update : May 2015