Surgical skills: Can learning curves be computed from recordings of surgical activities ?

This is the companion web page for our paper titled "Surgical skills: Can learning curves be computed from recordings of surgical activities".

This paper has been accepted for publication to the 9th International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions.

The software

The software is developed in Java.

The package is licensed under a GPLv3 (license in the Jar files) : donwload the soure code.

To run the program just execute: java -jar ipcai2018.jar filename in a console.

The file provided in argument (filename) should be an ASCII file where each line is a sequence of symbols:



This demo visually illustrates how the method works.
Sequences of symbols (each symbol is considered as an individual state) can be entered in the first textbox, one sequence per line.
Then push the "Run" button to autmaticaly compute the learning curve.

Link to the demonstration

Last update : January 2018